Sukanya Dasgupta is Associate Professor, Department of English, Loreto College. Her areas of interest include English poetry and drama, Elizabethan and Stuart historiography, Renaissance art and iconography and early modern women�s writing.
Her recent publications include �Renaissance Historiography: The Case of Flavio Biondo� in Rethinking the Renaissance (Kolkata 2017); �This hidden knowledge have I learnt of thee�: Anne Vaughan Lock and the �Invisible Church� in Anthropological Reformations (G�ttingen, 2015); �Silent Parables: English Emblem Books and Renaissance Court Culture� (Critical Imprints, 2012); ��Of polish�d pillars, or a roofe of gold�: Authority and Affluence in the English Country-House Poem� in Contested Spaces of Nobility in Early Modern Europe, (Ashgate, 2011); �Drayton�s �Silent Spring�: Poly-Olbion and the Politics of Landscape�(The Cambridge Quarterly, June 2010).
She has edited Aspects of Modernity: American Women�s Poetry (Jadavpur University Press, Kolkata, 2014), co-edited The Word and the World, (Loreto College and Earthcare Books, Kolkata, 2009) and is the editor of Critical Imprints Vol V (2017). She is currently editing Michael Drayton�s England�s Heroical Epistles and is working on a monograph titled Apollo�s Prophet: Michael Drayton and the Shaping of a Poetic Career.
Dr. Dasgupta has been the recipient of several travel grants from the University Grants Commission and the Indian Council of Social Science Research to attend international conferences and she has presented papers at the University of Pisa, Freie University, Berlin, the University of Colorado, University of Reading and at the Royal Geographical Society, London. In 2001she was awarded the Charles Wallace India Trust Grant-in-Aid for research in the UK and the 2001 UGC Travel Grant under the Cultural Exchange Programme to collect archival material in the UK for doctoral studies. She received the Charles Wallace Trust Visiting Fellowship (2014-2015) at CRASSH (Centre for Research in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities), University of Cambridge, UK with a Joint Visiting Fellowship at Wolfson College, Cambridge.